Welcome to the CLEAT Online Training Center! In 2020, CLEAT is continuing our partnership with Lexipol (PoliceOne/CorrectionsOne) to offer FREE online training to our members.

Due to pricing considerations, we are no longer able to offer the complete library of courses through PoliceOne and CorrectionsOne. However, we have contracted with Lexipol to offer our own online training center with a core group of 30 courses. These courses will enable officers to take and meet their TCOLE required 40 hours of in-service training. And, we will switch course content out every year to provide new courses for officers to take. So, members will have at least 40 to 60 courses to choose from during each TCOLE training cycle.

Our agreement with Lexipol will also allow officers to take other classes (such as Intermediate courses) at a 15% discount.

In addition, the platform we are now using allows us to develop our own custom training classes and offer them to our members. We are planning to offer new courses that will directly address issues our members face every day. Some examples of courses we hope to have available soon include:

  • What to do and what not to do when involved in a critical incident.
  • Understanding “Garrity” and administrative investigations.
  • On the job injuries and rights under Texas workers compensation laws.
  • Texas open records/public information law and law enforcement.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at:

CLEAT Custom Training

Lexipol Online Training