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Domestic terror-related attacks require a swift and effective response from law enforcement. Courses under this topic will prepare law enforcement officers to better handle terrorism in their local communities.

Course Name Course Description Length
Terrorism 1 This is the first Training Block for the course Terrorism.This course covers:
Suicide Bombers, Terrorist Threat in the United States, The Latest on US Border Threats, The Patrol Officer and Islamic Terrorist Threat.
Terrorism 2 This is the second Training Block for the course Terrorism. This course covers:From Mumbai to Main Street USA, Fundamentals of Questioning a Terrorist, Preparing for a Terrorist Attack, The Art of War. 1h
Terrorism 3 This is the third Training Block for the course Terrorism. This course covers: Recognizing.Suicide Bombers in the US, How the Middle East Effects Us at Home. 1h
Terrorism at Home Law Enforcement Expert Betsy Brantner Smith discusses what local law enforcement can do to help prevent terrorism at home. 10m
Terrorist Prevention Tip In this tactical tip, Betsy Brantner Smith discusses how the internet can help you gather intelligence on terrorism and identify potential threats in your community. 5m
Terrorist Threat in the United States Dave Smith and John Giduck discuss the terrorist threat in the United States. Giduck makes the case that that the escalation and propensity of violence is very real. He reminds us that we are dealing with terrorists who have promised to return and suggests that officers prepare properly by having the right mindset and enough armor and ammunition to win. 10m