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Policy Management

Maintain Compliance: Manage Your Policies

Centralize your documents with an online solution that allows you to upload SOPs and manage policy compliance within your department. Our learning management platform gives you the support needed to organize your general orders and procedures for a well-run agency.

Enforce Policy Compliance

  • Ensure your department is following established agency guidelines
  • Follow industry best practices with proper documentation and compliance management
  • Assign policy-related courses to officers and set due dates for completion  

Build and Modify General Orders and Procedures

  • Create online versions of your general orders for operations and training regulations
  • Build a central, online repository of all agency-specific policies
  • Easily alert officers when policies are updated and add a test on significant changes


Capture Digital Signatures

  • Require a read-receipt confirmation from all personnel
  • Report that your personnel have read your policy and agree to abide by it
  • Drive accountability and limit liability with access to on-demand policy reports