Community Policing
The relationship between police and their communities can be fraught with tension. Through courses with a focus on racial profiling, anti-bias training, the LGBTQ community, and cultural awareness, officers can advance their community policing skills and improve the relations between law enforcement and the community.
Course Name | Description | Length |
Anti-Bias Training For Law Enforcement (1 hour) | The face of America continues to evolve, and our nation is more diverse than ever before. People in cities, suburbs, and towns served by law enforcement are a rich tapestry of races, ethnicities, religions, and cultures. This diverse group of individuals deserves to be treated with kindness, compassion, and respect. Unfortunately, tragedies can result when there is an adversarial relationship or misunderstanding between law enforcement and the community. Recognizing the diversity and types of bias when serving the community will reduce misunderstandings, confusion, and stereotypes while promoting knowledge and awareness for the officer. In this one-hour course, we will explore many effective strategies to help you to connect with the community along with recommendations you can use immediately. | 1h |
Anti-Bias Training For Law Enforcement (2 hours) – NEW! | People in cities, suburbs, and towns served by law enforcement are a rich tapestry of races, ethnicities, religions, and cultures. This diverse group of individuals deserves to be treated with kindness, compassion, and respect. Unfortunately, tragedies can result when there is an adversarial relationship or misunderstanding between law enforcement and the community. Recognizing diversity without bias when serving the community will reduce misunderstandings, confusion, and stereotypes while promoting knowledge and awareness for the officer. In this two-hour course, we will explore many effective strategies to help you to connect with the community along with recommendations you can use immediately. | 2h |
Autism Training for LE | Doug Wyllie, Police1 Editor in Chief, talks with Giant Steps Autism Training Specialist Susan Hamre about why officers should train for dealing with individuals on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). | 5m |
Civil Rights | This four-hour course seeks to emphasize the strategies that contribute to effective civil rights protections. | 4h |
Communication Skills 1 | Whether on the street or in the courtroom, having the skill to recognize non-verbal cues, conduct thorough field interviews, or build rapport with criminal informants is a core competency for law enforcement professionals. This section analyzing a suspect’s body language to managing calls involving persons with autism. | 1h |
Communication Skills 2 | Whether on the street or in the courtroom, having the skill to recognize non-verbal cues, conduct thorough field interviews, or build rapport with criminal informants is a core competency for law enforcement professionals. This section analyzing a suspect’s body language to managing calls involving persons with autism. | 1h |
Communication Skills 3 | Combining Verbal and Physical Control Body Language: Questioning a Subject Body Language: Psychological vs Physiological Body Language: Detecting Deceit Human Intuition Autism Recognition and Response | 1h |
Communication Skills 4 | Fire, EMS and LE Interface Arresting Communication Providing Closure for the Dispatcher Improving Media Relations Emergency Radio Traffic | 1h |
Community Policing – NEW! | Community policing, a strategy for public safety, originated in the late 20th century as a response to a general dissatisfaction with traditional law enforcement methods. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) defines it as “a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies to support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues.” This approach fosters a bond between the police and the community, encouraging mutual trust and cooperation, which forms the foundation for more effective crime prevention. | 2h |
Community Policing Strategies | This one hour course provides a brief description of the approaches that been successfully developed and implemented at the local level to reduce crime and disorder. | 1h |
Conflict at the Fence: Tools To Turn Critics into Advocates – NEW! | This video will focus of providing ideas on how to confidently close contacts, build trust, and focus on true community policing with community members who are resistant and challenging. | 1h |
Constitutional and Community Policing | Community policing operates within the parameters of the Constitution. Various constitutional issues are relevant today. This course will identify the policies and practices that are most frequently called into question from a constitutional perspective while providing effective methods and strategies for successful community policing. | 2h |
Crisis Management: Disconnection between Private Business and Law Enforcement | In this video, Ron LaPedis, discusses the common disconnect between law enforcement and private businesses. | 10m |
Crowd Control – NEW! | This comprehensive course on crowd control is designed for law enforcement officers. It focuses on strategic preparation, effective communication, and adaptability in managing public gatherings. The course underscores the importance of understanding crowd psychology, making informed tactical decisions, and utilizing best practices to ensure the safety of both the public and law enforcement personnel. By exploring various police formations and tactics, officers will be equipped to balance public safety with constitutional rights and employ de-escalation techniques to handle both planned and unplanned events effectively. | 1h |
Cultural Awareness and Diversity Overview – NEW! | With the demographic makeup of the United States changing dramatically over the last 25 years, law enforcement, now more than ever, must possess the cultural competency to encourage positive communication and enhance productivity in the workplace. By taking this course, the learner will examine the factors that make up our individual cultures and the ways by which culture and law enforcement can merge. | 1h |
Establishing a Relationship Between your Department and Local Media | In this video, Doug Wyllie, Police1 Editor in Chief and Lee Shaykhet discuss ideas and considerations for establishing a relationship between your department and the media. | 10m |
Hate Crimes Training For Law Enforcement – NEW! | Hate/bias crimes seriously threaten our democratic society, which is built on the strength of its diversity. These crimes represent a particularly heinous form of physical and/or verbal violence, in which thousands of Americans are victimized each year because of their skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or identity. | 1h |
Implicit Bias – NEW! | In this comprehensive online course, learners will delve into the intricacies of implicit bias, particularly within the realm of law enforcement, and its impact on community interactions. By the end of the course, participants will be adept at summarizing implicit bias, elucidating its effects on law enforcement interactions with the community, distinguishing between various forms of implicit bias, and employing practical strategies to mitigate its influence. Through engaging modules, participants will harness actionable insights to foster more equitable law enforcement practices, paving the way for enhanced community relations and trust-building. | 1h |
Law Enforcement and the Elderly (TCOLE 3908) – NEW! | With the rapid increase in our older adult population paired with the growing number of chronic conditions older adults experience, first responders must be prepared to navigate a wider range of challenges when working with older adults and their caregivers. Law enforcement and other first responders continue to see calls involving older adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation (ANE) and other common, age-related issues, such as dementia and falls. | 2h |
Managing Homeless Populations – NEW! | Homelessness is an extremely complex social problem that negatively impacts the quality of life in citizens across the country. There is not an easy solution to this problem, as the causes are multifaceted and frequently outside the control of government agencies. However, because the homeless population is on the incline, it is vital to equip oneself with the tools to manage them properly. In this course, we will discuss ways to understand better, interact with, and assist homeless populations in your city. | 1h |
Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Investigations – NEW! | Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) investigations present a set of unique challenges, including jurisdictional overlaps and limitations, distrust of law enforcement, and cultural competency. This course covers the historical trauma of Indigenous groups, components of an effective MMIP investigation, and approaches to address the MMIP crisis in Indigenous communities. | 1h |
Missing Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease | Alzheimers disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, and results in progressive cognitive and behavioral impairment. The number of people with Alzheimers continues to increase due to an aging population. One in 10 people over the age of 65 and nearly half over the age of 85 have Alzheimers disease. This makes the chance that law enforcement will come into contact with an Alzheimers patient much more likely. Due to disease progression, wandering is a significant concern in the AD population. Proper training and knowledge will encourage successful interactions and outcomes. | 1h |
NRA’s Refuse to be a Victim Program | In this segment, NRA’s Ruthann Sprague shares how the Refuse to be a Victim Program is teaching community members the safety tips and techniques they need to avoid becoming a victim. | 10m |
Problem Oriented Policing | In this four-hour Law Enforcement course, we will explore Problem Oriented Policing (POP) on an individual and agency level. This course will focus on structuring your agency for POP, putting POP into action, as well as making POP part of your strategic planning. | 4h |
Racial Profiling for Missouri | Missouri law stresses the importance of understanding and respect for racial and cultural differences and development of ,effective, non-combative methods of carrying out law enforcement duties in a racially and culturally diverse environment. How does an officer accomplish this? In this course, the learner will gain understanding regarding the actions that define racial profiling, and how by engaging in self-analysis, practicing awareness and empathy in dealing with members of minority communities, and by taking personal responsibility for their own words and actions, will help them comply with Missouri law so they can eliminate the possibility of engaging in discriminatory practices. | 1h |
Racial Profiling – NEW! | Racial profiling is the practice of using race or ethnicity as a basis for law enforcement investigative procedures. The purpose of this course is to highlight key issues surrounding race in law enforcement and to help law enforcement officers use this information meaningfully and practically. | 1h |
Racial Profiling Part 2: Data Collection | This Racial Profiling course brings awareness and understanding of how the blueprint was designed to provide law enforcement, state and local elected officials, civil rights leaders, community organizations, and other local stakeholders with strategies and practices for gathering and analyzing data about police stops. | 2h |
Spanish for Law Enforcement – NEW! | This course empowers officers to communicate with Spanish-speaking members of their community. From breaking down language barriers to defusing tense situations, you’ll practice the language skills you need to recognize potential threats and respond confidently in situations that require immediate control for the safety of all parties involved. | 2h |