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EVOC – Law Enforcement

Emergency vehicle operation is one of law enforcement’s primary activities, but officers are killed every year in their patrol cars. To prevent this, refresh your driver training with courses on pursuit driving, vehicle safety, professional police driving, driving techniques, and emergency driving techniques.

Course Name Course Description Length
Defensive Driving Principles – NEW! This course provides a theoretical approach to emergency vehicle operation tailored for law enforcement officers. It emphasizes the significance of defensive driving in both routine patrols and high-pressure scenarios such as emergency responses or pursuits. By integrating defensive driving principles into daily practices, officers can significantly reduce risks and enhance safety for themselves and the public. The course covers key topics including advanced braking techniques, the application of the laws of motion in driving, and effective skid control strategies. This comprehensive training is designed to equip officers with the necessary skills for safe and efficient vehicle handling in various situations. 1h
Driving Safety for First Responders – NEW! This course will explore the effects of distracted driving and how it directly relates to your duties as a first responder. We will also describe how to position your vehicle during an incident or responding to a call, how to proceed through intersections, and why it is always important to be aware of your surroundings. Additionally, we will define what distracted driving is and how it plays a role in your daily duties. 1h
Driving Techniques The information in this course is a theoretical approach to emergency vehicle driving for police officers. The dependability of your driving skills is based on your knowledge and experience. As an officer, you will experience emergency calls and perhaps be engaged in high-speed pursuits that require all your skills to maintain control of the vehicle and increase the safety of those around you. In this course, learners will review the tenets of performance driving, the importance of understanding how to traverse curves, and the driving techniques law enforcement academies teach their cadets every year. 1h
Professional Police Driving 200 officers are killed in car accidents every year, and more officers are killed from motor vehicle accident than line of duty deaths. As an officer, you are likely to spend a lot of time in your patrol car, and when the time comes for an emergency, knowing how to drive professionally can make all the difference to you and everyone around you on the road. In this course, learners will review permissible conduct for police driving and the state and federal cases that form the laws that protect police pursuits today. 1h
Professional Police Driving for Tennessee (Tennessee Only) The information in this course is a theoretical approach to emergency vehicle driving for police officers. Police work is already a dangerous activity. Add in the perils of high-speed pursuit driving and all its corresponding components, and you have a recipe for disaster. Although this training cannot substitute for real-life driver training, officers should understand the fundamentals of pursuit driving basics to help them to be better and safer drivers on the road, avoid liability for accidents in the course of police work, and implement clear pursuit driving policies that align with state and federal statutes as well as department-specific philosophy. 2h
Pursuit Driving Basics Police work is already a dangerous activity. Add in the perils of high-speed pursuit driving and all its corresponding components, and you have a recipe for disaster. Although this training can’t substitute for real-life driver’s training, officers’ understanding of the fundamentals of pursuit driving basics can help them to be better and safer drivers on the road, avoid liability for accidents in the course of police work, and implement clear pursuit driving policies that align with state and federal statutes as well as a department’s specific philosophy. 1h
Vehicle Safety Law enforcement has enough to worry about before each shift—the reliability of your police vehicle shouldn’t be another. In order to do your job without hindrances, it’s important to have confidence that one of the most important tools of your job is going to perform well. Before you begin each shift, there are some important steps you should take to ensure the safety of your vehicle as well as its operation when in use. In this course, learners will review the pre-shift vehicle safety inspection, proper safety operations, and proper steering techniques. When officers have these basic safety measures under their belt, they and the public know that they are in safe hands. 1h