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Health and Wellness for Police

The safety of all officers can be dependent on their physical well-being. Increase your knowledge on nutrition, fitness, and stress management to improve your health and improve your fitness while in the field.

Course Name Course Description Length
Bloodborne Pathogens This Bloodborne Pathogens online course provides the necessary training in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) BloodBorne Pathogen Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 for law enforcement officers. 2h
Bloodborne Pathogens (1 hour) This Bloodborne Pathogens online course provides the necessary training in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) BloodBorne Pathogen Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 for law enforcement officers. 1h
Building Financial Strength in First Responder Families – NEW! You have a great career as a first responder and you are making good money. How do you ensure you can retire with what you need? Many of us do not know the answer to that question. We often plan our budgets and spending, but how many first responder personnel sit down and plan for retirement? It is imperative to start planning for retirement early in your career. This course will provide a basic understanding of financial tools and requirements so that you can achieve economic health. Having a plan is critical to help reduce stress, alleviate ethical issues, maintain security clearances, and stop living paycheck to paycheck. 3h
Children and Law Enforcement The abuse, disappearance, or loss of a child is hard, not only for the family but also on the officer involved in the case. This one-hour training block will touch on tools and resources available to law enforcement in the event of a child related crime as well as the importance of helping officers involved in a case where the death of a child has occurred. 1h
Eating Patterns Poor eating habits like skipping meals or eating large meals can lead to lethargy and ultimately affect officer safety. In this video, nutritionist Lauren McCarthy talks to Dave Smith about recommended eating patterns while one patrol. 10m
Finding Wellness – Building a Healthier Life – NEW! First responders are routinely exposed to high-stress situations. This course is designed to teach law enforcement professionals to recognize signs and symptoms of common forms of distress associated with their profession. This course also explores resiliency strategies that support the levels of physical, mental, emotional, and social wellness needed to withstand the demands of their lives and chosen careers. 4h
Fitness & Nutrition 1 Fitness and Nutrition 1 includes lessons: Memory and Decision Making,  Realistic Nutrition for Shift Workers,  Staying Hydrated on Duty, Stress and Use of Force, and Task Specific Obstacle Course for Police Fitness 1h
Fitness & Nutrition 2 The second segment of Fitness and Nutrition will cover: Fitness with Di Naso: Prehab Shoulders,  Fitness with Di Naso: Prehabilitation Back, Fitness with Di Naso: Working the Core, How to Structure an Agency Fitness Program, and Improving Training with Competition 1h
Fitness & Nutrition 3 The third segment of Fitness and Nutrition covers: Fitness with Di Naso: Bench Squat, Fitness with Di Naso: Front to Backward Lunge, Fitness with Di Naso: Lat Pull Down, Fitness with Di Naso: Medicine Ball, Nutrition for a Busy Lifestyle 1h
Fitness & Nutrition 4 The fourth segment of Fitness and Nutrition covers: Fitness with Di Naso: Bench Press,  Fitness with Di Naso: Split Squat, Innovations in Police Academy Training, and Job Stress: Myths and Truths 1h
Fitness & Nutrition 5 The fifth segment of Fitness and Nutrition covers: Eating Patterns, Fitness for Lower Back, Fitness with Di Naso: Pull-Up, Fitness with Di Naso: Push-Up, and Fitness with Di Naso: Self-Assessment 1h
Fitness for Lower Back In this video, Dave Pletti talks about the importance of keeping a strong healthy lower back. 15m
Fitness with Di Naso: Bench Press James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment, he talks about the bench press exercise. 10m
Fitness with Di Naso: Bench Squat James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment, he talks about the bench squat exercise. 10m
Fitness with Di Naso: Front to Backward Lunge James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment, he talks about the forward to backward lunge. 5m
Fitness with Di Naso: Lat Pull Down James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment, he talks about the lat pull down. 5m
Fitness with Di Naso: Medicine Ball James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment, he talks about using a non-reactive medicine ball for training. 5m
Fitness with Di Naso: Prehabilitation Back James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment, he talks about using “prehabilitation”” training to prevent injury to the back. 5m
Fitness with Di Naso: Pull-Up James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment he talks about the correct technique to do a pull-up. 10m
Fitness with Di Naso: Push-Up James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. 5m
Fitness with Di Naso: Self Assessment What is your level of functional fitness? Take this simple test. 10m
Fitness with Di Naso: Split Squat James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment he talks about the correct technique to do a split squat. 5m
Fitness with Di Naso: Working the Core James Di Naso gives us pointers on how to safely develop functional strength to use on the street. In this segment he talks about developing core strength to reduce lower-back injury. 10m
Stress and Your Health – NEW! The American Psychological Association reports that 75% of adults experience moderate to high levels of stress in a given month and nearly half report that their stress increases every year. Biologically, stress is a survival function. Today, however, internal and external stressors keep us a constant state of stress that is killing us. In this course, you will be able to identify the types of stress we feel, how stress affects us mentally and physically, and how to manage the stress every day. 1h
Law Enforcement and the Family Dynamic – NEW! Navigating personal relationships can be difficult for anyone, regardless of their chosen profession. For law enforcement, navigating the family dynamic can be especially difficult. Loved ones may try, but they don’t always understand what officers go through on a day-to-day basis. In this course, we’ll examine ways to communicate with loved ones effectively, including the 5 love languages, understanding personality types, and resolving conflict. 1h
Law Enforcement Stress Indicators In this course officers will explore how to handle emotionally stressful events such as officer-involved incidents or the death of a child on call. It also explains the importance of allowing the officer to be human. 1h
Managing Your Stress Lisa Wimberger, founder of the Neurosculpting Institute talks with Law Enforcement Expert Dave Smith about reasonable ways for officers to manage common types of stress. 10m
Officer Well-Being Law Enforcement Officers are put into stressful situations every day. As a result it is imperative that they receive the support and care that they deserve–whether that be from their agency family or from the general public. This one-hour training block will touch on the importance of recognizing the sacrifices of law enforcement officers understanding the importance of wellness programs and the benefits of addressing mental health in officers. 1h
Officer Wellness & Mental Health Awareness This course satisfies the Missouri Mandate 2017 Continuing Education Requirement for Law Enforcement with two hours of Officer Well-Being and Mental Health Awareness Training. Officer Well-Being and Mental Health Awareness training is essential to the safety and welfare of law enforcement personnel around the world. Peace officers are unique individuals with a commitment to serve and protect at the core of everything. A moral compass drives officers personally and professionally more so than any other occupation. This course aims to assist law enforcement personnel with the tools necessary to ensure the officer is prepared mentally and physically to endure the stress from the call of duty. This course will cover a holistic approach to officer well being and mental health awareness. 2h
Overcoming weight and fitness issues In this video Doug Wyllie, Police1 Editor in Chief discusses overcoming weight and fitness issues with Mark St. Hilaire who shares his personal story about his own struggle with these issues. 10m
Self-Care for Warriors Doug Wyllie, Police1 Editor in Chief discusses self-care for warriors with Chief Joel Shults who gives suggestions for officers to help themselves be healthier. 10m
Suicide Prevention for Law Enforcement This one-hour course provides law enforcement officers with the proper tools to prevent and address suicide prevention as it relates to mental illness. 1h
Tactical Yoga for First Responders In this video, Olivia Kvitne discusses Tactical Yoga for First Responders which can be described as a practical and sustainable skill set for self-regulation to build resiliency and increase performance. 10m
The Bulletproof Mind Lt. Col. Dave Grossman talks about the amazing resilience of the human mind and the importance of keeping your mind, body and spirit in top working condition. 5m