Law enforcement officers must remain up-to-date with the legal statutes that inform police action. Courses under this topic will include Officer Liability, Use of Force issues, Presenting Effective Testimony in the Courtroom, State and Federal Law Updates, and constitutional law.

Course Name | Course Description | Length |
Applications of the Fourth Amendment in Search and Seizure | We are called to protect and serve. This must be done with respect for the law and the rights of the citizens we swear to protect. In this course, we will examine how to apply the Fourth Amendment through the analysis of plausible policing scenarios. | 2h |
Arrest, Search, & Seizure (Fourth Amendment) | As an officer, it is imperative that you have a good understanding of the 4th Amendment and the impact it has on arrests, searches, and seizures. This course will explore the concepts of the Fourth Amendment, which includes the laws that have been created and are enforced to protect the privacy and property rights of individuals by prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures, as well as how they relate to your duties and a police officer. | 2h |
Constitutional Law | American citizens have rights afforded to them through the U.S. Constitution. Police officers are obligated to uphold and enforce the laws of the land. The interplay between these two realities will be explored in the course Constitutional Law, which seeks to examine the roles and responsibilities of police officers as they are guided by and uphold the Constitution. | 1h |
Court Security Officer – 10999 TCOLE | The purpose of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) eligible course for the Court Security Officer class is to give the court security officer a basic understanding of the threats associated with court settings as well as technology and techniques for court security operations in compliance with Government Sec. 158.002. To qualify for a Court Security Certificate, an applicant must meet all proficiency requirements per Texas Administrative Code Title 37, Part 7, Chapter 221, as well as completion of course #10999. | 8h |
First Amendment Rights for Public Sector Employees | This course examines the dichotomy of First Amendment rights afforded to citizens of our great nation. In particular, it differentiates the First Amendment rights of public sector employees, where the government is the employer rather than the sovereign. After completing this course, the learner will be able to evaluate their particular rights, especially within the social media setting. | 1h |
Legal 1 | The first segment of Legal covers: Officer Behavior During Force Encounters, Reflections on Police Use of Force, Risk Reduction,; Shoot/Don’t Shoot: Decision-Based Training, The Use of Expert Witnesses | 1h |
Legal 2 | The second segment Legal covers: OIS: Balancing Emotional and Legal Survival, Choosing an Expert Witness , Unconventional use of deadly force, Privacy Protocols for Officers and the Internet, Dealing with the Aftermath of Use of Force Situations | 1h |
Legal 3 | The third segment of Legal covers: Can an Officer Do That?, Liability Issues in Use of Force, The Importance of Policies and Procedures, Reinstilling Confidence in the Use of Force, and Responding Appropriately when Dealing with Violent Offenders | 1h |
Lexipol Connect 2022: Legal Trends for Law Enforcement | This video is from Lexipol’s 2022 Connect conference and presents law enforcement legal trends of 2022. The information is directly relevant to Lexipol policy customers but may also be helpful to non-policy customers interested in law enforcement legal trends around the country. | 30m |
Liability Issues in Use of Force | Law Enforcement Expert, Dave Smith discusses liability issues in the use of force with Chuck Joyner. | 15m |
Litigation Procedures | Law enforcement and corrections officers play important roles in the legal and judicial process. When laws have been broken, police are responsible for investigating and apprehending the alleged perpetrators. Corrections officers are responsible for securing them safely so that they can be tried for the crimes that they have allegedly committed. Corrections officers will also be responsible for those found guilty of a crime committed during their incarceration as inmates. In this course, the learner will examine how their role as a law enforcement or corrections professional interacts within the context of the judicial process, as well as the guidelines to follow while testifying in court and how their appearance or demeanor in the courtroom could affect or influence a jury. | 1h |
Officer Liability | This comprehensive course presents critical aspects of officer liability, focusing on the intricate balance between enforcing the law and adhering to the constitutional rights of individuals. Participants will understand legal responsibilities, the implications of their actions in the field, and the protective measures afforded by various legal immunities. Through exploring key topics such as the use of force, the Graham Standard, Brady and Giglio materials, Good Samaritan laws, and federal provisions against the deprivation of rights, this course equips law enforcement officers with the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of their profession ethically and legally. | 2h |
Presenting Effective Testimony in a Courtroom | This comprehensive course is designed to equip law enforcement officers with the skills and knowledge necessary for presenting effective courtroom testimony. Covering a broad range of topics from emotional control and communication strategies to physical presentation and procedural preparation, this course lays a foundation for officers to approach the witness stand with confidence and professionalism. Through a focus on reviewing case materials, understanding legal principles, honing communication skills, and coordinating with prosecutors, officers are prepared to navigate the complexities of courtroom testimony, ensuring their contributions are clear, credible, and impactful. | 1h |
Procedural Justice | Now more than ever, Police Chiefs must be able to recognize and respond to quickly changing issues and opportunities. Many are applying the concepts of legitimacy and procedural justice as they pertain to policing. In this 2-hour course, you will discover the many challenges policing faces every day and the means by which police can improve their image with the public. | 2h |
Public Free Speech – NEW! | When it comes to the ability of the public to express themselves, law enforcement officers must be aware of the rights the public is entitled to through the First Amendment. In this course, we will look at three specific areas that law enforcement officers often encounter when it comes to public free speech: public protests, technology concerns, and the recording of police activity. | 1h |
State and Federal Law Update 3184 | This material is a general summary of selected court cases and changes to Texas criminal law as wrought by the 84th session of the Texas Legislature. | 4h |
State and Federal Law Update 3185 | This course will provide updates on multiple bills passed by the 85th Legislature that has an impact on Texas Law Enforcement. This course includes administrative changes, changes in existing statues, and new laws. This course applies to all Law Enforcement Officers, Law Enforcement Administrators, and Policymakers. This course includes video testimonials courtesy of the Killeen Police Department which will help clarify the complex changes in the law. | 3h |
State and Federal Law Update 3186 | Multiple bills passed by the 86th legislative session will have an impact on Texas law enforcement. There were administrative changes, changes in existing statutes, and new laws. Texas’ law enforcement professionals will better serve their communities by increasing their awareness of changes and additions to state statutes as they pursue equality in justice and ensure public safety. Case law, especially cases handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), is of incredible importance to the administration of Justice. This curriculum will briefly cover recent judicial decisions that are important for law enforcement officers, administrators, and policymakers. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, BILLS GO INTO EFFECT ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2019. | 3h |
Warrantless DWI Blood Draw | Drunken driving continues to be a monumental problem across this country, needlessly killing thousands of people every year. At the same time, DWI or DUI enforcement has been complicated by recent Supreme Court decisions. This course will explore three U.S. Supreme Court decisions regarding warrantless blood draws from intoxicated driving suspects and offer suggestions to help officers comply with these cases. The lessons will examine the differences in circumstances confronting the officers in each case that lead to differing decisions by the Court to enable the learner to appropriately apply the guidance provided by decisions in the field. | 1h |