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Video Training Preview

The PoliceOne Academy consists of over 1,000 HD online videos and 175 one-hour courses in a fully-loaded learning management system for tracking and reporting your department’s training. Contact us for a live demo.

Video Sample: The Challenges of Staying on Medication

The PoliceOne Academy is your 24/7 destination for access to more than 175 hours of online training. The Academy features over 1,000 high-definition training videos, lesson plans, quizzes and courses in categories like Deadly Force Encounters, Edged Weapons, Baton Drills, Firearms, and Defensive Tactics.

We provide departments with a cost-effective solution to assign and track self-paced officer training. The PoliceOne Academy is also perfect for use in roll call settings; trainers can quickly access videos, project them or use the download option to engage officers and facilitate learning in a group environment.

In this sample video Pat Doyle discusses the challenges many people have staying on medication as well as issues faced by both doctors and patients. Contact us today at 1-844.312.9500 or use the link below to schedule your FREE preview.